Big Easy| 5.5 Hour Trip
Five-and a half hour trip (approx) or 12 river miles.
The Big-easy tube is launched only from Berry Bridge campground (13 road miles east of Valentine) . Taking out at Penbrook landing. (27 road miles east of Valentine). They are a seasonal item so check the calendar for available dates. For more questions about the big-easy send us an email or give us a call.
Ride in comfort with a back rest and cup holders for your favorite beverage.
It requires two adults minimum with a maximum of four per tube. It is a cumbersome tube so a person needs to be phyiscally fit to get it to the landing. There is no guarnatee that someone will be at the landing to assist you.
This trip includes Smith Falls, Big Cedar falls & Conner Rapids.
Once you arrive at the Penbrook landing you will be responsible for getting yourself, the tube, cooler/tube out of the river. The equipment needs to be removed from the main landing and placed out of the way for others to safely exit the river.
Launch time is generally thirty to four-five minutes post shuttle time.